The Definitive Guide to Voting Correctly Every Single Time

Fact: politics is divisive—no, let me correct that—very divisive. On the outside (and to the uneducated or ignorant) it would appear that the way politics works is a fairly simple, and looks like this. There are several candidates running for any given elected position. They each hold different views on how to best handle all the issues important to a country’s populous. They all call themselves “patriots” and plead for your vote. You, in turn, vote based on what you believe is best. Most people believe that this is how it works—a fair, democratic process where people vote for who they want. People who believe that this is how it works have no idea that this is not how it actually works. The sad truth is that the overwhelming majority of voters have been mentally conditioned to vote a certain way based upon the tactics used by the government-elite. If people were able to vote sans mental conditioning, the current state of America today would be much better. For those of you who want the inside scoop of how the government elite is trying to condition you, and how to turn the tables on them indefinitely—you really need to read the rest of this article.

There is a reason the old statement, “divide and conquer” has lasted so long—it works. It is a statement rooted in the premise of gaining power over one’s enemy in order to gain ownership of their land, goods, and populous. It is a statement of warmongers. At it’s root it is a very selfish, immoral, and evil process…..divide (i.e. break apart, remove, fracture) and conquer (i.e. master, enslave, assume ownership of, steal). This is sadly how politics operates in America. It goes hand-in-hand with another old saying, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. So how does the government-elite divide, and what do they conquer? The answer to both parts of the question has one answer: America. The divide America by it’s people and conquer America by it’s people. Would you like some examples? Keep reading.

Let’s start with a real hot-button issue—racism. The narrative that everyone is expected to believe is that ethnic minorities in America are targets for hate-driven acts by the ethnic majority. Politicians then use this narrative, false premises to promote this narrative, and any means to manipulate one’s thinking to agree with this narrative to get people to vote them into a position of power. Once elected, they don’t really do anything to solve the problem of racism. They just keep promoting the narrative, and the next candidate repeats the same. STOP. It’s time to look at this with a clear mind and employ some rational genius. First, racism isn’t practiced by any ethnic majority nor minority in America today. Racism is however practiced by certain people within the ethnic majority and certain people within ethnic minorities—and those people make up a very small percentage of the overall American populous. This is a fact. Check it if you like. Once you accept this (rationally, of course) as fact, you will likely be very angry with the political elite that told you otherwise, as well as angry with your local education system that taught you and countless other children otherwise, too. Why? THEY SCAMMED YOU, MAN! The political elite will never divulge this information, though—they already convinced you to trust them by believing the narrative above that was designed as a tactic to keep a large segment of Americans loyal to them. The whole racism issue is just one of many platforms used to divide and conquer. If one party can’t get you in their camp, another one will. This is what happens when power corrupts. Racism, social class, age, religion—you name it, and the political elite have a way to twist and corrupt people’s thinking to get them in one camp or another. They have it down, man. It’s a very complex, yet convoluted machine to control the populous as a means of keeping them in power. America is supposed to be “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, but it can’t be with a corrupted manipulative political machine running the operation. STOP. America deserves better. It’s time to employ some more rational genius. If you agree with me that the premise of “divide and conquer” has corrupted America and it’s political system is in need of an overhaul, there is a process every American voter can personally employ that will remove most of the current corruption, minimize future corruption, and return America to a state of the people, by the people, and for the people…..and here it is.

The very first thing you must do as a voter, but more importantly as an individual, is abandon your political camp. No more capital D, R, L, or any other letter affiliated with a political party next to your name. Please take special notice that I am in no way suggesting you abandon your ethics, morals, ideals, or convictions. You are just abandoning your affiliation with any political party. You do this by changing your voter registration to reflect only one possible capital letter next to your name—the letter “I” for INDEPENDENT. This is the number one, most important thing you can do (for reasons I am about to reveal). The instant you do this, the power that you have given for however long to a political party gets transferred back into your possession. If the overwhelming majority of registered voters did this, politicians’ platforms of partisan politics would be rendered as weak, catering only to a small minority of voters. They would likely follow suit by inventing a platform to try to manipulate independent voters, but it would be a mute attempt because being independent is just that—independent.

The next thing you need to do as a voter is impose term limits on any and every elected official. You may be objecting to this, “But, B.B.–I thought term limits only apply to the President”. Constitutionally speaking they do, but ultimately they can be applied to every elected official by the voter at the ballot box. You may be asking why one would want to impose term limits on an elected official, especially if they are doing a good job. You want to know why? Answer: to minimize corruption. The fact is that the longer a politician remains in power, the more influence (power) that politician gains. It becomes too easy for someone to abuse that power, and more times than not the voters end up absorbing the results of poor choices made by these corrupted politicians. If you found someone you could stand behind for a given term, then for all practical purposes you could find a new individual you could stand behind for the next given term. Keeping fresh faces flowing through government prevents someone becoming a “career politician” in any one capacity, and makes their position one that is much more humble and ethical—a civil servant.

The last thing you need to do before casting a vote is what separates the wheat from the chaff, and will reveal a dishonest candidate—vet their integrity. If a candidate’s actions (i.e. how they vote, who they support, what organizations they are affiliated with) doesn’t line up with what they say, that’s a smoking gun that you have a dishonest candidate. The solution? You find someone else to stand behind!

This is not an exhaustive list of everything you need to do to make an informed decision when it comes to voting for the correct candidate, but by practicing the trifecta listed above you will be well on your way to doing so. Voter’s remorse is often more costly than buyer’s remorse, which is why voters like you need to reclaim your power by utilizing the skills shared here to take it back. It’s the American way.

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